Technical Publications
Fundamentals of Data Science and Analytics for BE Anna University R21CBCS (III- CS & BS & Semester - IV AI&DS- AD3491)
Rs. 195.00
Technical Publications
Fundamentals of Economics for BE Anna University R21CBCS (III- CS & BS - CW3301)
Rs. 175.00
Technical Publications
Fundamentals of Management for BE Anna University R21CBCS (V - CS&BS - CW3501)
Rs. 295.00
Technical Publications
Fundamentals of Nano Science for BE Anna University R17 CBCS (VIII-ECE/CSE/IT/Prof. Elec.-V- EEE/Prof. Elec.-VI-GE8073)
Rs. 175.00
Technical Publications
Game Development for BE Anna University R21CBCS ( (V, VI (Vertical V/VI - CSE / IT / AI&DS/CSE(AI&ML), Vertical IV - CSE(Cyber Security, Vertical III - CS&BS - CCS347))
Rs. 215.00
Technical Publications
GPU Architecture and Programming for BE Anna University R17 CBCS (VIII-CSE/Prof. Elec.-V- CS8076)
Rs. 250.00
Technical Publications
Heat & Mass Transfer for Anna University R17 CBCS (VI- MECH -ME8693)
Rs. 695.00
Technical Publications
Hospital Management for BE Anna University R17 (VII- ECE/Open Elec.-III - OBM752)
Rs. 250.00
Technical Publications
Human Computer Interaction for BE Anna University R17 CBCS (VII - CSE /IT/Prof. Elec.-IV- CS8079)
Rs. 180.00
Technical Publications
Human Computer Interaction for BE Anna University R17 CBCS (VII - CSE /IT/Prof. Elec.-IV- CS8079)
Rs. 180.00
Technical Publications
Human Resource Management for BE Anna University R21CBCS (Sem-VII/VIII - ECE/CSE/IT/EEE/AI&DS/CS&BS/CSE(AI&ML)/CSE(Cyber Security)/Auto. - Elective Mgmt. - GE3754)
Rs. 215.00
Technical Publications
Human Rights for BE Anna University R17 CBCS (VII - Mech., CSE, IT, EEE - Professional Elective - III - GE8074)
Rs. 150.00