Technical Publications
Advanced Electrical Drives & Control for SPPU 19 Course (BE - VIII - Electrical - 403149) (Decode)
Rs. 110.00

Technical Publications
Advanced Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines for SPPU 19 Course (TE - SEM V - CIVIL - 301005 a) - Elective I (Decode) (END SEM)
Rs. 185.00

Technical Publications
Advanced JAVA Programming for SPPU 19 Course (TE - SEM VI - E&Tc. - 304195) - ELECTIVE II
Rs. 425.00

Technical Publications
Advanced Microcontroller and Embedded System for SPPU 19 Course (TE - SEM V - ELECTRICAL- 303145A)
Rs. 310.00

Technical Publications
Advanced Microcontroller and Embedded System for SPPU 19 Course (TE - SEM V - ELECTRICAL- 303145A) (END SEM) (Decode)
Rs. 60.00

Technical Publications
Analog and Digital Electronics for SPPU 19 Course (SE - III - Electrical - 203143) (Decode)
Rs. 150.00

Technical Publications
Android Development for SPPU 19 Course (BE - SEM VIII - E&Tc - 404191 (C)) - Elective - V
Rs. 195.00

Technical Publications
Applied Thermodynamics for SPPU 19 Course (SE - IV - MECH. - 202048)
Rs. 525.00

Technical Publications
Applied Thermodynamics for SPPU 19 Course (SE - IV - MECH. /AUTO.- 202048) (Decode) (END SEM)
Rs. 255.00

Technical Publications
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning for SPPU 19 Course (TE - SEM VI - MECH. - 302049)
Rs. 385.00

Technical Publications
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning for SPPU 19 Course (TE - SEM VI - MECH. - 302049) (Decode) (END SEM)
Rs. 130.00

Technical Publications
Artificial Intelligence for SPPU 19 Course (TE - SEM VI - COMP. & TE - SEM V - AI&DS - 310253)
Rs. 510.00