UNIT-I Introduction to Human Rights Human Rights - Meaning, origin and Development. Notion and classification of Rights - Natural, Moral and Legal Rights. Civil and Political Rights, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; collective / Solidarity Rights. (Chapter - 1) UNIT-II International Humanitarian Law Evolution of the concept of Human Rights Magana carta - Geneva Convention of 1864. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948. Theories of Human Rights. (Chapter - 2) UNIT-III Theories and Perspectives of UN Laws Theories and perspectives of UN Laws - UN Agencies to monitor and compliance. (Chapter - 3) UNIT-IV Human Rights in India-Constitutional Provisions/Gaurantees Human Rights in India - Constitutional Provisions / Guarantees. (Chapter - 4) UNIT-V Children and Human Rights and Duties Human Rights of Disadvantaged People - Women, Children, Displaced persons and Disabled persons, including Aged and HIV Infected People. Implementation of Human Rights - National and State Human Rights Commission - Judiciary - Role of NGO's, Media, Educational Institutions, Social Movements. (Chapter - 5)