Technical Publications
Thermal Engineering-II for BE Anna University R17 CBCS (V-Mech. - ME8595) (OLD EDITION)
Rs. 320.00

Technical Publications
Power Electronic Controlled Drives for SPPU 15 Course (BE - II - Electrical - 403148) (Decode) (OLD EDITION)
Rs. 100.00

Technical Publications
Power System Operation & Control for SPPU 15 Course (BE - I - Electrical - 403141) (OLD EDITION)

Technical Publications
Switchgear & Protection for SPPU 15 Course (BE - II - Electrical - 403147) (Decode) (OLD EDITION)
Rs. 85.00

Technical Publications
Control System-II for SPPU 15 Course (BE - I - Electrical - 403145) (OLD EDITION)

Technical Publications
IOT and Applications for GTU 18 Course (VIII- CE/CSE/IT-2180709) (OLD EDITION)

Technical Publications
Industrial Engineering for SPPU 15 Course (BE - II - Mech. - 402049C) (Decode) (OLD EDITION)
Rs. 140.00

Technical Publications
Energy Engineering for SPPU 15 Course (BE - II - Mech. - 402047) (Decode) (OLD EDITION)
Rs. 200.00

Technical Publications
Air Pollution & Control for SPPU 15 Course (BE - II - Civil - 401009) (Decode) (OLD EDITION)
Rs. 90.00

Technical Publications
Energy Audit Management for SPPU 15 Course (TE - II - Electrical - 303150) (OLD EDITION)

Technical Publications
Mathematics-II for JNTU-H 18 Course (I - II - COMMON/AI and ML, AI & DS/CSE (AI & ML), CSE (IoT), & ECM - MA201BS) (Decode) (OLD EDITION)
Rs. 250.00

Technical Publications
Geographic Information Systems for BE Anna University R17 (V-CSE/IT/ECE/Mech.-OCE552) (OLD EDITION)
Rs. 190.00