Android Development for SPPU 19 Course (BE - SEM VIII - E&Tc - 404191 (C)) - Elective - V

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Syllabus Android Development - (404191(C)) Credit Examination Scheme : 03 In-Sem (Theory) : 30 Marks End-Sem (Theory) : 70 Marks Unit I Introduction to JAVA and Android Overview of Java, XML and SQL, History of Android, Android Stack, Android Project Structure, Android OS, Features of Android, Android Architecture and building blocks, Android App build process, Android UI– resources, themes, threads etc, (Chapter - 1) Unit II Introducing Android SDK Overview, Android Emulator, Android Installation, setting up development environment using Eclipse/ Android Studio, DDMS, Activity Lifecycle, Manifest File, Locales, Drawable, Listeners, Supporting Multiple Screens. (Chapter - 2) Unit III Android Application Structure Android basic building blocks : Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers & Content providers, UI Components - Views & notifications, Components for communication -Intents & Intent Filters, Android API levels (versions & version names) AndroidManifest.xml, Uses-permission & uses-sdk, Dalvik Virtual Machine & .apk file extension, Resources &, Assets, Layouts & Drawable Resources, Activities and Activity lifecycle, First sample Application. (Chapter - 3) Unit IV Activities, Fragments, Intents and Android User Interface Introduction to Activities, Activity Lifecycle, Introduction to Intents, Linking Activities using Intents, calling built-in applications using Intents, Introduction to Fragments, Adding Fragments Dynamically, Lifecycle of Fragment, Toast, Understanding the components of a screen, Adapting to Display Orientation, Split Screen / Multi-Screen Activities. (Chapter - 4) Unit V Designing User Interface with Widgets Using Basic Views : Text View, Button, ImageButton, EditText, CheckBox, Switch, ToggleButton, Radio Button, and Radio Group Views, ProgressBar View, AutoCompleteTextView View, Using Picker Views, Using RecyclerView to Display Long Lists, Understanding Specialized Fragments, Displaying Pictures and Menus, VideoView. Multimedia, Animation and Graphics : Playing Audio, Playing Video, Rotate Animation, Fade In / Fade Out Animation, Zoom Animation, Scale Animation, 2D and 3D Graphics. (Chapter - 5) Unit VI Databases, Location-Based Services and Google Map Data Storage : Shared Preferences, Internal Storage, External Storage, SQLite Databases, Content provider. and Remote Databases. Introduction to SQLite and Room library, SQLite Open Helper and SQLite Database, Creating, opening and closing database, Creating, opening and closing database, Building and executing queries, SMS Messaging, Sending E-mail, Web App, JSON Parsing, JSON Web Service, Display Google Maps, Getting Location Data, Monitoring a Location. Accessing Phone services (Call, SMS, MMS), Network connectivity services, Sensors, Bluetooth/Wi-Fi Connectivity. (Chapter - 6)

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Pages: 236 Edition: 2023 Vendors: Technical Publications