Unit I Applet Applet Basics - Introduction, limitations of AWT, Applet architecture - HTML APPLET tag - Passing parameter to Appletget, DocumentBase() and getCodeBase(), Japplet : Icons and Labels Text Fields Buttons, Combo Boxes , Checkboxes, Tabbed Panes, Scroll Panes, Trees : Tables. (Chapter - 1) Unit II Event Handling using AWT / Swing Components Event Handling : Events, Event sources, Event classes, Event Listeners, Delegation event model, handling mouse and keyboard events, Adapter classes, inner classes. The AWT class hierarchy, user interface components - labels, button, canvas, scrollbars, text components, checkbox, checkbox groups, choices, lists panels - scroll pane, dialogs, menu bar, graphics, layout manager - layout manager types - boarder, grid, flow, card and grib bag. (Chapter - 2) Unit III GUI Programming Designing Graphical User Interfaces in Java, Components and Containers, Basics of Components, Using Containers, Layout Managers, AWT Components, Adding a Menu to Window, Extending GUI Features Using Swing Components, Java Utilities (java.util Package) The Collection Framework : Collections of Objects, Collection Types, Sets, Sequence, Map, Understanding Hashing, and Use of Array List and Vector. (Chapter - 3) Unit IV Database Programming using JDBC The Concept of JDBC, JDBC Driver Types and Architecture, JDBC Packages, A Brief Overview of the JDBC process, Database Connection, Connecting to non-conventional Databases Java Data Based Client/server, Basic JDBC program Concept, Statement, Result Set, Prepared Statement, Callable Statement, Executing SQL commands, Executing queries. (Chapter - 4) Unit V Remote Method Invocation (RMI) Remote Method Invocation : Architecture, RMI registry, the RMI Programming Model; Interfaces and Implementations; Writing distributed application with RMI, Naming services, Naming and Directory Services, Setting up Remote Method Invocation - RMI with Applets, Remote Object Activation; The Roles of Client and