Technical Publications
Compiler Design for JNTU-H 18 Course (III - II - CSE/IT -CS602PC) & Principles of Compiler Construction (III-II) ( IT ) - R18 - IT602PQ
Technical Publications
Basic Electrical Engineering for GTU 24 Course (I/II- COMMON - BE01000051)
Rs. 495.00
Technical Publications
Basic Electronics Engineering for GTU 24 Course (I/II- COMMON - BE01000111)
Rs. 395.00
Technical Publications
Mechatronics for BE Anna University R21CBCS (Sem-VII/VIII/Prod. & VII/VIII - COMMON/Open Electie III - OMR351)
Rs. 375.00
Technical Publications
App Development for BE Anna University R21 CBCS (V,VI(Vertical II - CSE / IT /AI&DS/CSE(AI&ML) & Vertical I - CSE(Cyber Security) - CCS332))
Rs. 285.00
Technical Publications
Ethical Hacking for BE Anna University R21CBCS (V,VI (Vertical IV - CSE / IT / AI&DS, Vertical III -CSE(Cyber Security) - CCS344))
Rs. 250.00
Technical Publications
Web Technology for SPPU 19 Course (TE - SEM VI - COMP. & TE - SEM - V - AI&DS - 310252)
Rs. 615.00
Technical Publications
Information Security for SPPU 19 Course (TE - SEM VI - COMP - 310254(A))-Elective -I & (TE - SEM V - AI&ML - 318545(C))
Rs. 395.00
Technical Publications
Natural Language Processing for SPPU 19 Course (BE - SEM VIII - COMP. - 410252(A)) - Elective V
Rs. 255.00