Technical Publications
Project Management for GTU 18 Course (VII - Mechanical - 3171506) - Professional Elective - VI
Rs. 265.00
Technical Publications
Mobile Computing and Wireless Communication for GTU 18 Course (VII - CE/CSE/ICT/Prof. Elec.-VI - 3170710)
Rs. 330.00
Technical Publications
Agile Development and UI/UX Design for GTU 18 Course (VII - IT/ Prof. Elec.-IV - 3171610)
Rs. 430.00
Technical Publications
Information Retrieval for GTU 18 Course (VII - CE/CSE/IT/Prof. Elec.-IV - 3170718)
Rs. 225.00
Technical Publications
Rapid Prototyping for GTU 18 Course (VII - Mechanical - 3171926) - Professional Elective - V
Rs. 185.00
Technical Publications
Solid Modeling and Drafting for SPPU 19 Course (SE - III - Mech. - 202042)
Rs. 240.00
Technical Publications
Fundamentals of Java Programming for SPPU 19 Course (TE - SEM V - E&TC - 304185 ) Elective I
Rs. 415.00
Technical Publications
Object Oriented Programming for SPPU 19 Course (SE - III - IT - 214444)
Rs. 210.00
Technical Publications
Electrical and Electronics Engineering for SPPU 19 Course (SE - III - Mech./Auto. - 203156)
Rs. 240.00
Technical Publications
Digital Communications for SPPU 19 Course (TE - SEM V - E &TC - 304181)
Rs. 550.00
Technical Publications
Digital Circuits for SPPU 19 Course (SE - III - E&Tc/ELEX. - 204182)
Rs. 360.00