Technical Publications
Energy Conservation for GTU 18 Course (VI- Electrical /Prof. Elec.-I - 3160916)
Rs. 325.00
Technical Publications
Electrical Measurement & Measuring Instruments for GTU 18 Course (VI- Electrical - 3160915)
Rs. 355.00
Technical Publications
Object Oriented Programming for GTU 18 Course (VI- Electrical /Prof. Elec.-II - 3160922)
Rs. 425.00
Technical Publications
Strength of Materials for BE Anna University R21CBCS (IV - Mech. - CE3491)
Rs. 495.00
Technical Publications
Soft Computing for BE Anna University R17 CBCS (VIII-ECE/Prof. Elec.-V- CS8086 & VIII-CSE/IT/Prof. Elec.-IV- CS8086)
Rs. 195.00
Technical Publications
Photonic Networks for BE Anna University R17 CBCS (VIII-ECE/Prof. Elec.-IV- EC8008)
Rs. 165.00
Technical Publications
Application Development using Python for BE VTU Course 18 OBE & CBCS (V- CSE -18CS55)
Rs. 225.00
Technical Publications
Information Theory & Coding for BE VTU Course 18 OBE & CBCS (V- ECE -18EC54)
Rs. 525.00
Technical Publications
Business Communication using Computers for MSBTE I Scheme (II - Elex./ Comp./Electrical/Mech./Civil - 22009)
Rs. 95.00