Technical Publications
Unconventional Machining Processes for BE Anna University R17 CBCS (VII-Mech./Prof. Elec.-III - ME8073)
Rs. 325.00
Technical Publications
Software Testing and Automation for BE Anna University R21CBCS ((V, VI (Vertical II - CSE / IT / AI&DS & Vertical I-CSE(Cyber Security) - CCS366)
Rs. 365.00
Technical Publications
Network Security for BE Anna University R21CBCS (V, VI (Vertical IV - CSE / IT / AI&DS - CCS354)
Rs. 385.00
Technical Publications
Digital Signal Processing for BE Anna University R21CBCS (IV - ECE - EC3492)
Rs. 595.00
Technical Publications
GTUT DIPLOMA Basic Computer Programming GTU 21 Course (I - CE - 4310702)
Rs. 275.00
Technical Publications
Mobile Computing for SPPU 19 Course (BE - SEM VII -COMP.) - Elective IV - 410245(C)
Rs. 395.00
Technical Publications
Compilers for SPPU 19 Course (BE - SEM VII -COMP.) - Elective IV - 410245(E)
Rs. 335.00
Technical Publications
Embedded Systems and IOT Design for BE Anna University R21 CBCS (VI - ECE - ET3491)
Rs. 415.00
Technical Publications
Power System Analysis - 1 for BE VTU Course 18 OBE & CBCS (VI- EEE - 18EE62)
Rs. 350.00
Technical Publications
Programming & Problem Solving for SPPU 19 Course (FE - I/II - Common - 110005)
Rs. 295.00
Technical Publications
Rs. 225.00