Technical Publications
Micro Electro Mechanical Systems for BE Anna University R17 CBCS (VIII-Mech./Prof. Elec.-IV- EE8091)
Rs. 250.00
Technical Publications
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems for BE Anna University R17 CBCS (VIII-Mech./Prof. Elec.-IV- MG8091)
Rs. 295.00
Technical Publications
Entrepreneurship Development for BE Anna University R17 CBCS (VIII-Mech./Prof. Elec.-IV- MG8091)
Rs. 195.00
Technical Publications
Production Planning and Control for BE Anna University R17 CBCS (VIII-Mech./Prof. Elec.-IV- IE8693)
Rs. 250.00
Technical Publications
Welding Technology for Anna University R17 CBCS (VI- MECH/Prof. Elec.-I -PR8592)
Rs. 295.00
Technical Publications
GPU Architecture and Programming for BE Anna University R17 CBCS (VIII-CSE/Prof. Elec.-V- CS8076)
Rs. 250.00
Technical Publications
Software Defined Networks for BE Anna University R17 CBCS (VIII-CSE/Prof. Elec.-IV- CS8087)
Rs. 100.00
Technical Publications
Visual Languages and Applications for Anna University R17 CBCS (VI- EEE/Prof. Elec.-I -EE8001)
Rs. 260.00
Technical Publications
Turbo Machines for GTU 18 Course (VII - Mech./Prof. Elec.-VI - 3171927)
Rs. 355.00
Technical Publications
Electric Drives for GTU 18 Course (VI- Electrical /Prof. Elec.-II - 3160919)
Rs. 325.00
Technical Publications
Engineering Geology IN SEM for SPPU 19 Course (SE - III - Civil - 207003)
Rs. 80.00
Technical Publications
Concrete Technology for SPPU 19 Course (SE - IV - Civil - 201010)
Rs. 300.00