Technical Publications
Computer Networks for BE Anna University R21CBCS (IV - AI&DS - V - CSE/IT/CSE(Cyber Security) - CS3591)
Rs. 375.00

Technical Publications
Theory of Computation for BE Anna University R21CBCS (IV - CSE /IT - CS3452)
Rs. 340.00

Technical Publications
VLSI and Chip Design for BE Anna University R21CBCS (V - ECE - EC3552 & Sem-VII/VIII/Open Electie IV - CSE/IT/EEE/AI&DS/CS&BS/CSE(AI&ML)/Mech./Civil - OEC353)
Rs. 360.00

Technical Publications
Signals and Systems for BE Anna University R21CBCS (Sem-III - ECE - EC3354 & Sem-VII/VIII/Open Electie III - EEE/CSE/IT/AI&DS/CS&BS/CSE(AI&ML)/Mech./Civil - OEC351)
Rs. 495.00

Technical Publications
Object Oriented Software Engineering for BE Anna University R21 CBCS (VI - CSE /IT / CS&BS - CCS356)
Rs. 450.00

Technical Publications
Advanced Topics on Databases for BE Anna University R17 CBCS (VII - CSE /IT/Prof. Elec.-IV- CS8071)
Rs. 230.00

Technical Publications
Internet of Things for BE Anna University R17 CBCS (VII - CSE /IT/Prof. Elec.-III- CS8081)
Rs. 225.00

Technical Publications
Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering for Anna University R21 CBCS (SEM II/CSE/IT/Mech. - BE3251)
Rs. 520.00

Technical Publications
Cloud Computing for BE Anna University R21CBCS (V, VI (Vertical II - IT/AI&DS/CS&BS & Vertical III - CSE /IT/AI&DS & Vertical II-CSE(Cyber Security) - CCS335)
Rs. 295.00

Technical Publications
Wireless Adhoc & Sensor Networks for BE Anna University R17 CBCS (VII - CSE /IT/Prof. Elec.-IV- CS8088)
Rs. 495.00

Technical Publications
Service Oriented Architecture for BE Anna University R17 CBCS (VII - CSE /IT/Prof. Elec.-III- IT8074)
Rs. 225.00