Syllabus Agile Development and UI/UX Design - (3171610) CreditsExamination Marks Total Marks CTheory MarksPractical Marks ESE (E)PA (M)ESE (V)PA (I) 3703000100 1.AGILE DEVELOPMENT : Agile Practices, Overview of Extreme Programming, Planning, Testing, Refactoring. (Chapter - 1) 2.AGILE DESIGN : What is Agile Design ?, SRP : The Single-Responsibility Principle, OCP : The Open-Closed Principle, LSP : The Liskov Substitution Principle, DIP : The Dependency-Inversion Principle, ISP : The Interface-Segregation Principle. (Chapter - 2) 3. UX and UX Design, The Wheel : UX Processes, Lifecycle, Methods and Techniques, Scope, rigor, complexity and Project perspective, Agile lifecycle Processes and the Funnel model of Agile UX. (Chapter - 3) 4.The nature of UX design, Bottom up versus Top-down Design, Generative Design : ideation, sketching, critiquing, Prototype candidate design. (Chapter - 4) 5.UX Evaluation Methods and Techniques Empirical UX evaluation : UX goals, metrics and Targets, Analytic UX evaluation : Data collection methods and Techniques. (Chapter - 5) 6.Connecting Agile UX with Agile Software Engineering (Chapter - 6)