Unit - I Introduction Introduction to Systems Programming, Need of Systems Programming, Software Hierarchy, Types of software : system software and application software, Machine structure. Evolution of components of Systems Programming : Text Editors, Assembler, Macros, Compiler, Interpreter, Loader, Linker, Debugger, Device Drivers, Operating System. Elements of Assembly Language Programming : Assembly Language statements, Benefits of Assembly Language, A simple Assembly scheme, Pass Structure of Assembler. Design of two pass Assembler : Processing of declaration statements, Assembler Directives and imperative statements, Advanced Assembler Directives, Intermediate code forms, Pass I and Pass II of two pass Assembler. (Chapter - 1) Unit - II Macro Processor and Compilers Introduction, Features of a Macro facility : Macro instruction arguments, Conditional Macro expansion, Macro calls within Macros, Macro instructions, Defining Macro, Design of two pass Macro processor, Concept of single pass Macro processor. Introduction to Compilers : Phases of Compiler with one example, Comparison of Compiler and Interpreter. (Chapter - 2) Unit - IIILinkers and Loaders Introduction, Loader schemes : Compile and Go, General Loader Scheme, Absolute Loaders, Subroutine Linkages, Relocating Loaders, Direct linking Loaders, Overlay structure, Design of an Absolute Loader, Design of Direct linking Loader, Self-relocating programs, Static and Dynamic linking. (Chapter - 3) Unit - IVOperating System (OS) Introduction : Evolution of OS, Operating System Services, Functions of Operating System. Process Management : Process, Process States : 5 and 7 state model, Process control block, Threads, Thread lifecycle, Multithreading Model, Process control system calls. Unit - VSynchronization and Concurrency Control Unit - VIMemory Management