UNIT- I Introduction : Hacking Impacts, The Hacker. Framework : Planning the test, Sound Operations, Reconnaissance, Enumeration, Vulnerability Analysis, Exploitation, Final Analysis, Deliverable, Integration. Information Security Models : Computer Security, Network Security, Service Security, Application Security, Security Architecture. Information Security Program : The Process of Information Security, Component Parts of Information Security Program, Risk Analysis and Ethical Hacking. (Chapter - 1) UNIT - II The Business Perspective : Business Objectives, Security Policy, Previous Test Results, Business Challenges. Planning for a Controlled Attack : Inherent Limitations, Imposed Limitations, timing is Everything, Attack Type, Source Point, Required Knowledge, Multi-Phased Attacks, Teaming and Attack Structure, Engagement Planner, The Right Security Consultant, The Tester, Logistics, Intermediates, Law Enforcement. (Chapter - 2) UNIT - III Preparing for a Hack : Technical Preparation, Managing the Engagement. Reconnaissance : Social Engineering, Physical Security, Internet Reconnaissance. (Chapter - 3) UNIT - IV Enumeration : Enumeration Techniques, Soft Objective, Looking Around or Attack, Elements of Enumeration, Preparing for the Next Phase. Exploitation : Intutive Testing, Evasion, Threads and Groups, Operating Systems, Password Crackers, RootKits, applications, Wardialing, Network, Services and Areas of Concern. (Chapter - 4) UNIT - V Deliverable : The Deliverable, The Document, Overal Structure, Aligning Findings, Presentation. Integration : Integrating the Results, Integration Summary, Mitigation, Defense Planning, Incident Management, Security Policy, Conclusion. (Chapter - 5)