1. Introduction to Industry 4.0 : Introduction, core idea of Industry 4.0,origin concept of industry 4.0,Industry 4.0 production system, current state of industry 4.0, Technologies, How is India preparing for Industry 4.0. (Chapter - 1) 2. A Conceptual Framework for Industry 4.0 : Introduction, Main Concepts and Components of Industry 4.0, State of Art, Supportive Technologies, Proposed Framework for Industry 4.0. (Chapter - 2) 3. Technology Roadmap for Industry 4.0 : Introduction, Proposed Framework for Technology Roadmap, Strategy Phase, New Product and Process Development Phase. (Chapter - 3) 4. Advances in Robotics in the Era of Industry 4.0 : Introduction, Recent Technological Components of Robots - Advanced Sensor Technologies, Internet of Robotic Things, Cloud Robotics, and Cognitive Architecture for Cyber - Physical Robotics, Industrial Robotic Applications - Manufacturing, Maintenance and Assembly. (Chapter - 4) 5. The Role of Augmented Reality in the Age of Industry 4.0 : Introduction, AR Hardware and Software Technology, Industrial Applications of AR. (Chapter - 5) 6. Obstacles and Framework Conditions for Industry 4.0 : Lack of A Digital Strategy alongside Resource Scarcity, Lack of standards and poor data security, Financing conditions, availability of skilled workers, comprehensive broadband infra - structure, state support, legal framework, protection of corporate data, liability, handling personal data. (Chapter - 6)