Unit I Introduction to Signals & Systems Signals : Introduction, Graphical, Functional, Tabular and Sequence representation of Continuous and Discrete time signals. Basics of Elementary signals : Unit step, Unit ramp, Unit parabolic, Impulse, Sinusoidal, Real exponential, Complex exponential, Rectangular pulse, Triangular, Signum, Sinc and Gaussian function. Operations on signals : Time shifting, time reversal, time scaling, amplitude scaling, signal addition, subtraction, signal multiplication. Communication, control system and Signal processing examples. Classification of signals : Deterministic, Random, periodic , Non periodic, Energy , Power, Causal , Non- Causal, Even and odd signal. Systems : Introduction, Classification of Systems : Lumped Parameter and Distributed Parameter System, static and dynamic systems, causal and non-causal systems, Linear and Non - linear systems, time variant and time invariant systems, stable and unstable systems, invertible and non- invertible systems. (Chapter - 1) Unit II Time domain representation of LTI System Input-output relation, definition of impulse response, convolution sum, convolution integral, computation of convolution integral using graphical method for unit step to unit step, unit step to exponential, exponential to exponential, unit step to rectangular and rectangular to rectangular only. Computation of convolution sum. Properties of convolution. System interconnection, system properties in terms of impulse response, step response in terms of impulse response. (Chapter - 2) Unit III Fourier Series Unit IV Fourier Transform Unit V Laplace Transform Unit VI Probability and Random Variables