1. Quality, Reliability and Maintainability (QRM) : Productivity; Quality and Quality circle in Maintenance, engineering Reliability, Reliability Assurance through Redundancy, Maintainability and maintainability improvement, Maintainability vis a vis Reliability. (Chapter - 1) 2. Maintenance jobs and Technologies : Wear and service life of equipment : Methods of assembly and fitting - assembly of keyed joints, splined joints, fixed joints, assembly of ball and roller bearings, repairs and assembly of gears. Wear of machines - types and reasons of wear, defects due to wear of equipment, corrosion and its prevention. Recovery and strengthening of machine elements various methods of recovery and increasing service life. (Chapter - 2) 3. Defect list Generation and Defect/Failure Analysis : Defect Generation : types of failure, defect reporting and recording, defect analysis, failure analysis, equipment downtime analysis, breakdown analysis : FTA, FMTA, FMECA. (Chapter - 3) 4. Maintenance Types/Systems : Planned and unplanned Maintenance, Breakdown Maintenance, corrective Maintenance, Opportunistic Maintenance, Routine Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance, Predictive Maintenance, Condition Base Maintenance System (CBMS) : Online offline Monitoring, Visual and Temperature Monitoring, Leakage Monitoring, Vibration Monitoring : causes, Identification and monitoring. Ferrography, Spectroscopy, Cracks Monitoring. Design Out maintenance, Selection of Maintenance Systems. (Chapter - 4) 5. Maintenance Planning and Scheduling : Factors involved in effective planning of maintenance work, Various methods of scheduling work, Categorization of plant/equipment for the purpose of priorities. Short term and Long Term Maintenance Plans : Major repair, Capital Repair and Annual Overhauls, Renovation, Revamping and Modernization. (Chapter - 5) 6. Safety Engineering : Introduction, Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP), Fundamental of Industrial Safety, Types and Categorization of Accidents. Accidents preventions, Safety Training. Onsite offsite Emergency Plans, Job Safety Analysis (JSA), Safety Survey, Reporting of accidents and dangerous occurrence. (Chapter - 6) 7. Safe Design and Operation of Plants : Procedure for Ensuring Safety in Planning, Building and Operating Plants : Process Design, Planning, Construction and Commissioning of Plants, Alarm and Hazard Defense Plans, Information of the Public. Safety measures : Inherent Safety Measures, Passive Safety Measures, Active Safety Measures, Organizational Measures, Design of Safety Systems. Plant Layout and Spacing. Personal Safety and Personal Protective Equipment. (Chapter - 7)