1. Introduction, Data Types and Operators: Installation and working with Python, Variables and data types in python, Perform computations and create logical statements using Python’s operators: Arithmetic, Assignment, Comparison, Logical, Membership, Identity, Bitwise operators, list, tuple and string operations. (Chapter - 1) 2. Python Decision making and Loops: Write conditional statements using If statement, if ...else statement, elif statement and Boolean expressions, While loop, For loop, Nested Loop, Infinite loop, Break statement, Continue statement, Pass statement, Use for and while loops along with useful built-in functions to iterate over and manipulate lists, sets, and dictionaries. Plotting data, Programs using decision making and loops. (Chapter - 2) 3. Python Functions and Modules: Defining custom functions, Organising Python codes using functions, Create and reference variables using the appropriate scope, Basic skills for working with lists, tuples, work with dates and times, get started with dictionaries, Importing own module as well as external modules, Programming using functions, modules and external packages. (Chapter - 3) 4. Python File Operations: An introduction to file I/O, use text files, use CSV files, use binary files, Handle a single exception, handle multiple exceptions, Illustrative programs, Exercises. (Chapter - 4) 5. MicroPython: Introduction, main difference between MicroPython and Python, Installation of MicroPython on Hardware, MicroPython libraries, GPIO programming on MicroPython Hardware, Sensor Programming using MicroPython. (Chapter - 5)