UNIT - I Introduction, History and Importance at Highways, Characteristics at road transport, Current road development plans In India, Highway development In India, Highway planning, Highway alignment, Engineering surveys for Highway alignment, Highway projects, Highway drawings and reports, Detailed Project Report preparation, PPP schemes of Highway Development In India, Government at India Initiatives In developing the highways and expressways In Improving the mobility and village road development In Improving the accessibility. (Chapter - 1) UNIT - II Introduction to Highway Geometric Design: Width of Pavement, Formation and Land, Cross Slopes etc; Concept of Friction: Skid and Slip; Elements of geometric design of highways; Sight Distances: Slopping Sight Distance, Overtaking Sight Distance and Intermediate Sight Distance: Horizontal alignment: Design of horizontal curves, super elevation, extra widening of pavement at curves: Vertical Alignment Gradients, Compensation In Gradient, Design of summit curves and valley curves using different criteria; Integration of Horizontal and Vertical Curves. (Chapter - 2) UNIT - III Basic traffic characteristics: Speed, volume and concentration, relationship between flow, speed and concentration; Highway capacity and Level of service (LOS) concepts: Factors affecting capacity and LOS, relationship between V/C ratio and LOS; Traffic volume and spot speed studies: Methods; Road Safety; Traffic Signals: Types, warrants for signalization, design of Isolated traffic signal by IRC method; Parking and road accidents: Types of parking facilities-on-street and off street, Introduction to parking studies: Accident studies, road safety auditing; Introduction to street lighting; Road Intersections: Design considerations of at - grade Intersections. Introduction to Interchanges.(Chapter 3) UNIT - IV - Tests on soils UNIT - V - Introduction to Pavement Design