UNIT - I Introduction to Microwave Systems and Antennas Microwave frequency bands, Physical concept of radiation, Near- and far-field regions, Fields and Power radiated by an antenna, Antenna pattern characteristics, Antenna gain and efficiency, Aperture efficiency and effective area, Antenna noise temperature and G/T, Impedance matching, Friis transmission equation, Link budget and link margin, Noise characterization of a microwave receiver. (Chapter - 1) UNIT - IIRadiation Mechanisms and Design Aspects Radiation mechanisms of linear wire and loop antennas, Aperture antennas, Reflector antennas, Microstrip antennas and Frequency independent antennas, Design considerations and applications. (Chapter - 2) UNIT - IIIAntenna Arrays and Applications Two-element array, Array factor, Pattern multiplication, uniformly spaced arrays with uniform and non-uniform excitation amplitudes, Smart antennas. (Chapter - 3) UNIT - IVPassive and Active Microwave Devices Microwave passive components: Directional coupler, Power divider, Magic Tee, attenuator, resonator, Principles of microwave semiconductor devices: Gunn diodes, IMPATT diodes, Schottky Barrier diodes, PIN diodes, Microwave tubes: Klystron, TWT, Magnetron. (Chapter - 4) UNIT - VMicrowave Design Principles Impedance transformation, Impedance matching, Microwave filter design, RF and microwave amplifier design, Microwave power amplifier design, Low noise amplifier design, Microwave mixer design, Microwave oscillator design. (Chapter - 5)