UNIT 1 Introduction to Embedded System Design Complex systems and micro processors -Embedded system design process -Design example Model train controller - Design methodologies - Design flows - Requirement analysis - Specifications - System analysis and architecture design - Quality assurance techniques - Designing with computing platforms - Consumer electronics architecture - Platform - Level performance analsysis. (Chapter - 1) UNIT 11 ARM Processor and Peripherals ARM architecture versions - ARM architecture - Instruction set - Stacks and subroutines - Features of the LPC 214Χ family - Peripherals - The timer unit - Pulse width modulation unit - UART -Block diagram of ARM9 and ARM cortex Μ3 MCU. (Chapter - 2) UNIT 111 Embedded Programming Components for embedded programs - Models of programs - Assembly, linking and loading - Compilation techniques - Program level performance analysis - Software performance optimization - Program level energy and power analysis and optimization - Analysis and optimization of program size - Program validation and testing. (Chapter - 3) UNIT IV Real Time Systems Structure of a real time system -Estimating progran run times -Task assignment and scheduling -Fault tolerance techniques -Reliability, evaluation -Clock synchronisation. (Chapter - 4) UNIT V Processes and Operating Systems lntroduction - Multiple tasks and multiple processes - Multirate systems - Preemptive real time operating systems - Priority based scheduling - Interprocess communication mechanisms - Evaluating operating system performance - Power optimization strategies for processes - Example real time operating systems -POSIX -Windows CE -Distributed embedded systems - MPSoCs and shared memory multiprocessors -Design example -Audio player, Engine control unit - Video accelerator. (Chapter - 5)