Unit 01 : Energy Scenario Classification of Energy resources, Commercial and noncommercial sources, primary and secondary sources, commercial energy production, final energy consumption. Energy needs of growing economy, short terms and long terms policies, energy sector reforms, energy security, importance of energy conservation, energy and environmental impacts, emission check standard, salient features of Energy Conservation Act 2001 and Electricity Act 2003. Indian and Global energy scenario. Introduction to IE Rules. Study of Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC). Unit 02 : Energy Management Definition and Objective of Energy Management, Principles of Energy management, Energy Management Strategy, Energy Manager Skills, key elements in energy management, force field analysis, energy policy, format and statement of energy policy, Organization setup and energy management. Responsibilities and duties of energy manager under act 2001. Energy Efficiency Programs. Energy monitoring systems. Unit 03 : Demand Management Supply side management (SSM), Generation system up gradation, constraints on SSM. Demand side management (DSM), advantages and barriers, implementation of DSM. Use of demand side management in agricultural, domestic and commercial consumers. Demand management through tariffs (TOD). Power factor penalties and incentives in tariff for demand control. Apparent energy tariffs. Role of renewable energy sources in energy management, direct use (solar thermal, solar air conditioning, biomass) and indirect use (solar, wind etc.) Introduction to Net Metering. Unit 04 : Energy Audit Definition, need of energy audits, types of audit, procedures to follow, data and information analysis, energy audit instrumentation, energy consumption – production relationship, pie charts. Sankey diagram, Cusum technique, least square method and numerical based on it. Outcome of energy audit and energy saving potential, action plans for implementation of energy conservation options. Bench- marking energy performance of an industry. Report formats Unit 05 : Energy Conservation in Applications a) Motive power (motor and drive system). b) Illumination c) Heating systems ( boiler and steam systems) d) Ventilation( Fan, Blower and Compressors) and Air Conditioning systems e) Pumping System f) Cogeneration and waste heat recovery systems g) Utility industries ( T and D Sector) Unit 06 : Financial analysis Financial appraisals; criteria, simple payback period, return on investment, net present value method, time value of money, break even analysis, sensitivity analysis and numerical based on it, cost optimization, cost of energy, cost of generation.