UNIT I INTRODUCTION το MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONS Definition of Manaqement - Science or Art - Manaqer Vs Entrepreneur - types of manaqers -manaqerial roles and skills - Evolution of Manaqement - Scientific, human relations . system and continqency approaches - Types of Business orqanization - Sole proprietorship, partnership, company-public and private sector enterprises - Orqanization culture and Environment -Current trends and issues in Manaqement. (Chapter - 1) UNIT II PLANNING Nature and purpose of planninq - planninq process - types of planninq - objectives - settinq objectives-policies-Planninq premises -Strateqic Manaqement-Planninq Tools and Techniques - Decision makinq steps and process. (Chapter - 2) UNIT 111 ORGANISING Nature and purpose - Formal and informal orqanization - orqanization chart - orqanization structure - types - Line and staff authority - departmentalization - deleqation of authority - centralization and decentralization - Job Desiqn - Human Resource Manaqement - HR Planninq, Recruitment, selection, Traininq and Development, Performance Manaqement , Career planninq and manaqement. (Chapter - 3) UNIT IV DIRECTING Foundations of individual and qroup behaviour - motivation - motivation theories - motivational techniques - job satisfaction - job enrichment - Ieadership - types and theories of Ieadership -communication - process of communication - barrier ίη communication - effective communication -communication and ΙΤ. (Chapter - 4) UNIT V CONTROLLING System and process of controllinq - budqetary and non-budqetary control techniques - use of computers and ΙΤ in Manaqement control - Productivity problems and manaqement -control and performance - direct and preventive control - reportinq. (Chapter - 5)