UNIT - I Fundamentals of CAD, CAM, Automation , design process, Application of computers for design, Benefits of CAD, Computer configuration for CAD applications, Computer peripherals for CAD, Design workstation, Graphic terminal, CAD software- definition of system software and application software ,CAD database and structure. Geometric Modeling : 3-D wire frame modeling, wire frame entities and their definitions, Interpolation and approximation of curves, Concept of parametric and non-parametric representation of curves, Curve fitting techniques, definitions of cubic spline, Bezier and B-spline. (Chapters - 1, 2) UNIT - II Surface Modeling : Algebraic and geometric form, Parametric space of surface, Blending functions, parametrization of surface patch, Subdividing, Cylindrical surface, Ruled surface, Surface of revolution Spherical surface, Composite surface, Bezier surface. B-spline surface, Regenerative surface and pathological conditions. Solid Modelling : Definition of cell composition and spatial occupancy enumeration, Sweep representation, Constructive solid geometry, Boundary representations. (Chapters - 3, 4) UNIT - III NC Control Production Systems : Numerical control, Elements of NC system, NC part programming: Methods of NC part programming, manual part programming, Computer assisted part programming, Post Processor, Computerized part program, SPPL (A Simple Programming Language). CNC, DNC and Adaptive Control Systems. (Chapter - 5) UNIT - IV Group Technology : Part families, Parts classification and coding. Production flow analysis, Machine cell design. Computer aided process planning : Difficulties in traditional process planning, Computer aided process planning: Machinability data systems. Computer aided manufacturing resource planning : Material resource planning, inputs to MRP, MRP output records, Benefits of MRP, Enterprise resource planning, Capacity requirements planning. (Chapters - 6, 7) UNIT - V Flexible manufacturing system