1. Introduction to Material Science and Metallurgy: Basics of Engineering Materials, their Classifications and Application, Basics of Advance Engineering Materials, Engineering requirements of materials, Properties of engineering materials, Criteria for selection of materials for engineering Applications. (Chapter-1) 2. Crystal Geometry and Crystal Imperfection: Unit Cell, Crystal structure, Bravise lattice, atomic packing, coordination number, crystal structures of metallic elements, crystal directions and planes, Miller indices, Polymorphism or Allotropy. Crystal structure and correlated properties. diffusion processes; Crystallization: Mechanism of crystallization 3. Metallic Materials: Types, properties and applications, Structure of Metals, Fracture, Macro-examination, Spark Test, Sculptures Print, Macro-etching, Microscopic examinations, Magnetic Testing, Chemical analysis of steel and iron for Carbon, Sulphur & Phosphorous. (Chapter-3) 4. Solidification & Theory of Alloys: Solidification of metals and an Alloy, Nucleation and Growth during freezing of pure metal and alloy, ingot’s casting, Resultant macrostructures; Effects of structure on mechanical Properties. 5. Phase and Phase equilibrium: Unary and Binary equilibrium phase diagrams, Different reactions like eutectic, eutectoid, peritectic and peritectoid; Non-equilibrium cooling. (Chapter-5) 6. Allotropy of Iron, Iron-Iron Carbide Equilibrium System Allotropy of iron; Iron-iron carbide equilibrium diagram: Phases present and their properties, different reactions of the Iron-Iron Carbide equilibrium system; constituents, microstructures and properties of plain carbon steels. 7. TTT Diagram and Heat Treatment of Steel: 8. Powder Metallurgy: 9. Non Destructive Testing: 10. Corrosion of Metal And Alloys: