Engineering Geology for JNTU-H 18 Course (II - I - CIVIL - CE302PC) (Decode)

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UNIT-1 lntroduction : lιnportancc of gcology fron1 Civil bnginccring point ofΎicw. Bricf study of l1istorics of failure of some Civil bngineering constructions due to geological drawbacks. lmportance of Physical geology, Petrology and Structural geology. Wcathcrin!ζ of Rocks: lts effect over the properties ofrocks importance ofweathering with reference to dams, reservoirs and tιιnnels weatl1ering of con1111011 rock like "Granite". (Cl1apter - 1) UNIT-11 Mineι·alogy : Dct'ίnition ot'n1incral, In1portancc ot· study ot'n1incrals, Ditici-cnt 1nctl1ods of study ofΊninci-als. Λdvantages of stιιdy ofminerals by physical properties. Role of stιιdy ofphysical properties ofminerals in the idcntitίcation otΏ1incrals. Study of"pl1ysical propcιiics ot"fo\lowing con11non rock t"om1ing mincrals: Fcldspcr, Qιιartiz, Flint, Jasper, Oliνine, Aιιgite, Ilornblende, Muscovite, lliotite, Asbestos, Chlorite, Kyanite, Garnet, Talc, Calcitc. Stndy of othcr cοιηιηοn cconon1ics mincrals s11cl1 as Pyritc, Hcιnatitc, Mag11ctitc, Chrorίtc , Galena , Pyrolusite, Graphite, Magnesite, and Banxite. Petrology: Dcfίnition ofrock: Gcological classifίca.tion of"rocks into igncons, Scdimcnta.ry and mctamorpl1ic rocks. Dykes and sills, common structures and textures ofigneous. Sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Their distinguίsl1ing features, Megascopic and ιnicroscopic and mίcroscopic stιιdy of Granite, Dolerite, Basalt, Pegmatite, Laerite, Conglomerate, Sand Stone, Shale, Limestone, Gneiss, Schist, Quartzite, Marble and Slate. (Chapter - 2) UNIT-ΙΙΙ Stι·uctural (;eology : Out crop, strikc and dip study of' coιnmon gcological strnctui-cs associating with thc rocks such as folds, faults uncomfornities, and joints - their important types and case studies. Their importance Insitu and drift soils, comn1on typcs ot· soils, tl1ciι- origin and occurrcncc in India, Stabίlisation ot· soilR. CΊround water, Water table, common types of ground water, springs, cone of depression, geological controls of groιιnd watcr 1novcn1cnt, gronnd watcr cxploration. (Chapter 3) UNIT-IV Earth Quakcs : Causes and effects, shield areas and seismic belts. Seismic waves, Richter scale, precautions to be taken for building construction in seisιnic area.s. Landslίdes, tl1eir caιιses and efiect; ιneasιιres to be taken to prevent their occurrence. Importance of Geophysical Studies : Principles of geophysical study by Gravity methods. Magnetic methods, Electήcal methods. Seismic methods, Radio metric methods and geothermal method. Special importance of Electήcal resistivity methods, and seismic refraction methods. Improvement of competence of sites by grouting etc. Fundamental aspects ofRock mechanics and Environmental Geology. (Chapter - 4) UNIT-V Geology of Dams, Reservoirs, and Tunnels : Types of dams and bearing of Geology of site in their selection, Geological Considerations in the selection of a dam site. Analysis of dam failures of the past. Factors contributing to the success ofa reservoir. Geological factors influencing water Lightness and life ofreservoirs - Purposes oftunneling, Effects ofTunneling οη the ground Role ofGeological Considerations (i.e. Tithological, structural and ground water) in tunneling over break and lining in tunnels. (Chapter - 5)

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Author: [Anil V. Kondhalkar] Pages: 102 Edition: 2019 Vendors: Technical Publications