Unit - I Overview of Operating System 1.1 Operating System - Concept, Components of operating system, operations of OS: Program Management, Resource management, Security and protection. Views of OS: User view, System View 1.2 Different Types of Operating systems Batch operating system, Multi Programmed, Time Shared OS, Multiprocessor Systems, Distributed Systems, Real time systems. Mobile OS (Android, iOS). 1.3 Command line based OS - DOS, UNIX GUI based OS - WINDOWS, LINUX. Unit - II Services and Components of Operating System 2.1 Different Services of Operating System. 2.2 System Calls- Concept, types of system calls 2.3 OS Components:- Process Management, Main Memory Management, File Management, I/O System management, Secondary storage management. 2.4 Use of operating system tool user management, security policy device management, performance monitor, task scheduler Unit - III Process Management 3.1 Process-: process states, Process Control Block (PCB). 3.2 Process Scheduling- Scheduling Queues, Schedulers, Context switch. 3.3 Inter-process communication (IPC): Introduction , shared memory system and message passing system. 3.4 Threads - Benefits, users and kernel threads, Multithreading Models- Many to One, One to One, Many to Many. 3.5 Execute process commands- like ps, wait, sleep, exit, kill Unit - IV CPU Scheduling and Algorithms 4.1 Scheduling types - scheduling Objectives, CPU and I/O burst cycles, Pre-emptive, Non- Pre-emptive Scheduling, Scheduling criteria. 4.2 Types of Scheduling algorithms- First come first served (FCFS), Shot1est Job First (SJF), Shortest Remaining Time(SRTN), Round Robin (RR) Priority scheduling, multilevel queue scheduling. 4.3 Deadlock- System Models, Necessary Conditions leading to Deadlocks, Deadlock Handling- Unit - V Memory Management 5.1 Basic Memory Management Partitioning, Fixed and Variable, Free Space management Techniques - Bitmap, Linked List. 5.2 Virtual Memory- Introduction to Paging, Segmentation, Fragmentation and Page fault. 5.3 Page Replacement Algorithms: FIFO, LRU , Optimal. Unit - VI File Management 6.1 File - Concepts, Attributes, Operations, types and File System Structure. 6.2 Access Methods - Sequential, Direct, Swapping, File Allocation Methods Contiguous, Linked, Indexed. 6.3 Directory structure-Single level , two levels, tree-structured directory, Disk Organization and disk Structure Physical structure, Logical structure, Raid structure of disk, raid level 0 to 6.