Syllabus Embedded Systems and IoT Design - (ET3491) UNIT I 8051 MICROCONTROLLER Microcontrollers for an Embedded System - 8051 - Architecture - Addressing Modes - Instruction Set - Program and Data Memory - Stacks - Interrupts - Timers/Counters - Serial Ports - Programming. (Chapters - 1, 2, 3) UNIT II EMBEDDED SYSTEMS Embedded System Design Process - Model Train Controller - ARM Processor - Instruction Set Preliminaries - CPU - Programming Input and Output - Supervisor Mode - Exceptions and Trap - Models for programs - Assembly, Linking and Loading - Compilation Techniques - Program Level Performance Analysis. (Chapters - 4, 5, 6, 7) UNIT III PROCESSES AND OPERATING SYSTEMS Structure of a real - time system - Task Assignment and Scheduling - Multiple Tasks and Multiple Processes - Multirate Systems - Pre emptive real - time Operating systems - Priority based scheduling - Interprocess Communication Mechanisms - Distributed Embedded Systems - MPSoCs and Shared Memory Multiprocessors - Design Example - Audio Player, Engine Control Unit and Video Accelerator. (Chapter - 8) UNIT IV IOT ARCHITECTURE AND PROTOCOLS Internet - of - Things - Physical Design, Logical Design - IoT Enabling Technologies - Domain Specific IoTs - IoT and M2M - IoT System Management with NETCONF - YANG - IoT Platform Design - Methodology - IoT Reference Model - Domain Model - Communication Model - IoT Reference Architecture - IoT Protocols - MQTT, XMPP, Modbus, CANBUS and BACNet. (Chapter - 9) UNIT V IOT SYSTEM DESIGN Basic building blocks of an IoT device - Raspberry Pi - Board - Linux on Raspberry Pi - Interfaces - Programming with Python - Case Studies : Home Automation, Smart Cities, Environment and Agriculture. (Chapter - 10)