Syllabus Engineering Graphics - (311006) (Mechanical Group) Learning Scheme Credits Paper Duration Actual Contact Hrs./Week SLH NLH CL TL LL 2 - 4 - 6 3 Assessment Scheme Theory Based on LL & TSL Based on SL Total Marks Practical FA-TH SA-TH Total FA - PR SA - PR SLA Max Max Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min - - - - 50 20 50 20 - - 100 Note : @ Internal Assessment Sr. No. Theory Learning Outcomes (TLO’s) aligned to CO’s Learning content mapped with Theory Learning Outcomes (TLO’s) and CO’s 1. 1.1 Prepare drawing using drawing instruments. 1.2 Use IS SP-46 for dimensioning. 1.3 Use different types of lines. 1.4 Draw regular geometrical figures. 1.5 Draw figures having tangency constructions. Unit - I Basic Elements of Drawing 1.1 Drawing Instruments and supporting material : method to use them with applications. 1.2 Standard sizes of drawing sheets (ISO-A series) 1.3 I.S. codes for planning and layout. 1.4 Letters and numbers (single stroke vertical) 1.5 Convention of lines and their applications. 1.6 Scale - reduced, enlarged & full size 1.7 Dimensioning techniques as per SP-46 (Latest edition) - types and applications of chain, parallel and coordinate dimensioning 1.8 Geometrical constructions. (Chapter - 1) 2. 2.1 Explain different engineering curves with areas of application. 2.2 Draw different conic sections. 2.3 Draw involute and cycloidal curves. 2.4 Draw helix and spiral curves from given data. 2.5 Plot Loci of points from given data. Unit - II Engineering Curves & Loci of Points 2.1 Concept and understanding of focus, directrix, vertex and eccentricity. Conic sections. 2.2 Methods to draw an ellipse by Arcs of circle method & Concentric circles method. 2.3 Methods to draw a parabola by Directrix-Focus method & Rectangle method. 2.4 Methods to draw a hyperbola by Directrix-Focus method. 2.5 Methods to draw involutes : circle & pentagon. 2.6 Methods to draw Cycloidal curve : cycloid, epicycloid and hypocycloid. 2.7 Methods to draw Helix & Archimedean spiral. 2.8 Loci of points on Single slider crank mechanism with given specifications. (Chapter - 2) 3. 3.1 Explain methods of Orthographic Projections. 3.2 Draw orthographic views of simple 2D entities containing lines, circles and arcs only. 3.3 Draw the orthographic views from given pictorial views. 3.4 Use of IS code ISSP-46 for dimensioning technique. Unit - III Orthographic Projections 3.1 Introduction of projections-orthographic, perspective, isometric and oblique : concept and applications. (No question to be asked in examination) 3.2 Introduction to orthographic projection, First angle and Third angle method, their symbols. Conversion of pictorial view into Orthographic Views - object containing plain surfaces, slanting surfaces, slots, ribs, cylindrical surfaces. (use First Angle Pr). (Chapter - 3) 4. 4.1 Prepare an isometric scale. 4.2 Draw isometric views of simple 2D entities containing lines, circles and arcs only. 4.3 Interpret the given orthographic views. 4.4 Draw Isometric views from given orthographic views. Unit - IV Isometric Projections 4.1 Introduction to Isometric projection. 4.2 Isometric scale and Natural Scale. 4.3 Isometric view and isometric projection. 4.4 Illustrative problems related to simple objects having plain, slanting, cylindrical surfaces and slots on slanting surfaces. 4.5 Conversion of orthographic views into isometric Views/projections. (For branches other than mechanical Engineering, the teacher should select branch specific elements). (Chapter - 4) 5. 5.1 Sketch proportionate freehand sketches of given machine elements. 5.2 Select proper fasteners and locking arrangement. Unit - V Free Hand Sketches of Engineering Elements 5.1 Free hand sketches of machine elements : Thread profiles, nuts, bolts, studs, set screws, washers, Locking arrangements. (For branches other than mechanical Engineering, the teacher should select branch specific elements for free hand sketching). (Chapter - 5)