Syllabus Mobile Computing - (404191 (E)) Credit Examination Scheme : 03 In-Sem (Theory) : 30 Marks End Sem (Theory) : 70 Marks Unit I Introduction to Mobile Computing Introduction to Mobile Computing: Applications of Mobile Computing- Generations of Mobile Communication Technologies, Multiplexing: Spread spectrum, MAC Protocols: SDMA, TDMA, FDMA, and CDMA. (Chapter - 1) Unit II Mobile Telecommunication System Introduction to Cellular Systems, GSM architecture, Protocols, Connection Establishment, Frequency Allocation, Routing, Mobility Management, Security, GPRS and UMTS: Architecture, Handover, Security. Introduction to 5G : Introduction, 5G network architecture, Applications, 5G enable technologies, Recent trends in Telecommunication Industries. (Chapter - 2) Unit III Network Layer Mobile IP, DHCP, AdHoc, Proactive protocol-DSDV, Reactive Routing Protocols : DSR, AODV, Hybrid routing : ZRP, Multicast Routing : ODMRP, Vehicular Ad Hoc networks (VANET), MANET Vs VANET: Security. (Chapter - 3) Unit IV Mobile IP and Transport Layer Mobile IP: Need of mobile IP, IP packet delivery, Agent Discovery, Registration, Tunnelling and encapsulation, Route optimization, IP Handoff. Transport Layer : Overview of Traditional TCP and implications of mobility control. Improvement of TCP: Indirect TCP, Snoop TCP, Mobile TCP, Fast Retransmit/fast recovery, Time-out freezing, Selective retransmission, Transaction-oriented TCP. (Chapter - 4) Unit V Fading Channels Rayleigh Fading and Statistical Characterization, Properties of Rayleigh Distribution, BER in Fading, Narrowband vs Wideband Channels, Characterization of Multipath Fading Channels, Choice of Modulation, Coherent versus Differential Detection, BER in Fading , Ricean Fading. (Chapter - 5) Unit VI Operating System & Applications of Mobile Computing Operating System : A Few Basic Concepts, Special Constraints and Requirements of Mobile OS, A Survey of Commercial Mobile Operating Systems, Windows Mobile, Palm OS, Symbian OS, iOS, Android, Blackberry OS, A Comparative study of Mobile OS, OS for sensor Network. Applications : M-Commerce, Business to Consumer (B2C) Applications, Business to Business (B2B) Applications. Structure of M-Commerce, Pros and Cons of M-Commerce, Mobile Payment System, Mobile Payment Schemes, Desirable properties of a Mobile Payment system, Mobile Payment solutions, Process of Mobile Payment, Security Issues. (Chapter - 6)