Syllabus Transportation Engineering - (401002) Credits Examination Scheme 03 In semester exam : 30 Marks End semester exam : 70 Marks Unit 1 : Highway development and planning History , development plans, classification of roads, road patterns, road development in India : vision 2021, rural road development vision 2025, current road projects in India, highway alignment, highway project report preparation, (planning surveys & master plans based on saturation system).problems based on saturation system. (Chapter - 1) Unit 2 : Traffic Engineering and control Traffic characteristics, traffic engineering studies, traffic flow and capacity, traffic regulation and control devices (signs, signals, islands, road markings), accident studies, types of road intersections, parking studies; highway lighting, problems. (Chapter - 2) Unit 3 : Geometric design of highways Introduction, highway cross section elements, sight distance, design of horizontal alignment, problems of horizontal alignment, design of vertical alignment, design of intersections. (Chapter - 3) Unit 4 : Pavement materials Materials used in highway construction and related tests : soil subgrade and CBR Test, stone aggregates, bituminous binders, bituminous paving mixes, viscosity based gradation of bitumen, modified bitumen cutbacks, emulsions, crumbed rubber modified bitumen, polymer modified bitumen, foamed bitumen, Marshall stability mix design and test (All 5 test parameters). (Chapter - 4) Unit 5 : Pavement Design Introduction to various types of pavement, flexible pavements : computation of design traffic (vehicle damage factor, lane distribution factor, and traffic growth rate), flexible pavements, computation of design traffic, problems, stresses in flexible pavements, design guidelines for flexible pavements as per IRC 37-2018 without numerical. Rigid pavements : components and functions, factors affecting design, ESWL, Stresses in rigid pavements, wheel load stresses and temperature stresses, design guidelines for concrete pavements as per IRC 58-2015 without numerical, Joints in CC pavements, problems, highway drainage : subsurface and surface drainage. (Chapter - 5) Unit 6 : Bridge and railway Engineering Bridge Engineering : classification of bridges, components of bridges, preliminary data to be collected during investigation of site for bridges, economical span, afflux, HFL, scour depth and clearance, locations of piers and abutments, factors influencing the choice of bridge super structure, approach roads. Loads on bridges : brief specifications of different loads, forces and stresses coming on bridges as per IRC, Substructure : abutment, piers, and wing walls with their types. Railway Engineering : role and necessity of railway, merits of railways with respect to roadways and waterways, permanent way, component parts of permanent way, requirements of an ideal permanent way, gauge : types of gauges and their suitability. (Chapter - 6)