1. Introduction to computers and programming : Introduction to computer : Basic block diagram, functions of various components of computer, Concepts of Hardware and software, Types of software Computer languages and programming : Concepts of Machine level, Assembly level and high-level languages, Compiler and interpreter, Flowcharts and Algorithms. 2. Fundamentals of C : Features of C language, structure of C program, comments, header files, data types, constants and variables, operators, expressions, evaluation of expressions, type conversion, precedence and associativity, VO functions. 3. Control structure ίο C : Decision making and Branching : Simple if, if-Else, Nesting of if-else, Else If ladder, switch statement, the ? operator, goto statement Decision making and Looping : while statement, do statement, for statement, Jumps in loop, break and continue, Nesting of control structures. 4. Array and String : Concepts of aπay : One-and two-dimensional aπays, declaration and initialization, operation οη aπay, multidimensional aπays Character aπay and string : declaration and initialization, operations οη string, Built-in string functions, table of strings. 5. Functions and Recursion : Concepts of user defined functions : function declaration, function defmition, function call, passing parameters, nesting of functions. Introduction to Recursion as a way of solving problems and examples. 6. Structures and Unions : Basics of structure, structure members, accessing structure members, nested structures, aπay of structures, structure and functions, Introduction to Unions. 7. Pointers and File Management : Basics of pointers, pointer to pointer, pointer and aπay, pointer to aπay, aπay to pointer, function returning pointer, structures and pointers. Introduction to file management and its functions.