Unit I Introduction of Wireless Channel Introduction, Free Space Propagation Model, Ground-Reflection Scenario, Hata Model and Receiver-Noise Computation. Channel Estimation techniques and Diversity in wireless communications. (Chapter - 1) Unit II Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Introduction, Motivation and Multicarrier basics, OFDM example, bit error rate for OFDM. Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Wireless Communications : Introduction to MIMO Wireless Communications, MIMO System Model and MIMO-OFDM. (Chapter - 2) Unit III Introduction to Mobile Communication Introduction to Cellular Service Progression, Cell Geometry, Overview of Cellular mobile and Network architecture, Cellular radio system design - Frequency assignments, frequency reuse channels, Concept of cell splitting and Cell sectoring. Significance of Handover in cellular systems with Handoff algorithms and roaming. (Chapter - 3) Unit IV Wireless System Planning Link-Budget Analysis, Tele-traffic Theory, Tele-traffic System Model and Steady State Analysis. (Chapter - 4) Unit V Wireless and Mobile Technologies and Protocols and their performance evaluation Introduction, Wireless and mobile technologies, LTE- advanced, 5G - Architecture, wireless local area network and Simulations of wireless networks. (Chapter - 5) Unit VI Performance Analysis Issues Introduction to Network coding, basic hamming code and significance of Information Theory. Interference suppression and Power control. MAC layer scheduling and connection admission in mobile communication. (Chapter - 6)