UNIT - I Need for testing, the problems in digital Design testing, the problems in Analog Design testing, the problems in mixed analog/digital design testing, design for test, printed-circuit board (PCB) testing, software testing, Fault in Digital Circuits : General Introduction, Controllability and Observability, Fault Models, stuck at faults, bridging faults, CMOS technology considerations, intermittent faults. (Chapter - 1) UNIT - II General Introduction, to test pattern genration, Test Pattern generation for combinational logic circuits, Manual test pattern generation, automatic test pattern generation, boolen difference method, Roth’s Dalgoritham, Developments following Roth’s D-algoritham, Pseudorandom test pattern generation. (Chapter - 2) UNIT- III Pseudorandorn test pattern generators, Design of test pattern generator using Linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs) and cellular automata(CAs). (Chapter - 3) UNIT- IV Design for Testability for combinational circuits : Basic Concepts of testability, controllability and observability, the Reed Muller’s expansion techniques, use of control logic and syndrome testable designs. (Chapter - 4) UNIT- V Making sequential circuits testable, testability insertion, full scan DFT technique-Full scan insertion, flipflop structures, Full scan design and test, scan architectures-full scan design, shadow register DFT, partial scan methods, multiple scan design, other scan designs. (Chapter - 5)