The book is written for an undergraduate course on the Signals and Systems. It provides comprehensive explanation of continuous time signals and systems , analogous systems, Fourier transform, Laplace transform, state variable analysis and z-transform analysis of systems. The book starts with the various types of signals and operations on signals. It explains the classification of continuous time signals and systems. Then it includes the discussion of analogous systems. The book provides detailed discussion of Fourier transform representation, properties of Fourier transform and its applications to network analysis. The book also covers the Laplace transform, its properties and network analysis using Laplace transform with and without initial conditions. The book provides the detailed explanation of modern approach of system analysis called the state variable analysis. It includes various methods of state space representation of systems, finding the state transition matrix and solution of state equation. The discussion of network topology is also included in the book. The chapter on z-transform includes the properties of ROC, properties of z-transform, inverse z-transform, z-transform analysis of LTI systems and pulse transfer function. The state space representation of discrete systems is also incorporated in the book. The book uses plain, simple and lucid language to explain each topic. The book provides the logical method of explaining the various complicated topics and stepwise methods to make the understanding easy. The variety of solved examples is the feature of this book. The book explains the philosophy of the subject which makes the understanding of the concepts very clear and makes the subject more interesting.