The book covers all the aspects of theory, analysis, and design of Electronic Circuits for the undergraduate course. The concepts of biasing of BJT, JFET, MOSFET, along with the analysis of BJT, FET, and MOSFET amplifiers, are explained comprehensively. The frequency response of amplifiers is explained in support. The detailed essential of rectifiers, filters, and power supplies are also incorporated in the book. The book covers biasing of BJT, JFET, and MOSFET and analysis of basic BJT, JFET, and MOSFET amplifiers with Hybrid π equivalent circuits. It also includes the Darlington amplifier discussion, amplifiers using Bootstrap technique, multistage amplifiers, differential amplifiers, and BiCMOS cascade amplifier. The in-depth analysis of the frequency response of various amplifiers is also included in the book. Finally, the book covers all the aspects of rectifiers, types of filters, linear regulators, power supplies, and switching regulators. The book uses straightforward and lucid language to explain each topic. The book provides the logical method of describing the various complicated issues and stepwise methods to make understanding easy. The variety of solved examples is the feature of this book. The book explains the subject's philosophy, which makes understanding the concepts evident and makes the subject more interesting.