Unit IINTRODUCTION TO IOT Definition and Characteristics of IoT - IoT Framework and Architecture, Physical Design of IoT - IoT Protocols, IoT communication models, IoT Communication APIs, IoT Levels and Templates, IoT Enabled Technologies - Wireless Sensor Networks, Cloud Computing, Embedded Systems, Big Data Analysis, UAV, Web Services, IoT & M2M - Machine to Machine, Difference between IoT and M2M, Software Defined Network & NFV. (Chapter - 1) Unit IITHINGS IN IOT Introduction to Sensors - Light sensor, voltage sensor, Temperature and Humidity Sensor, Motion Detection Sensors, Wireless Sensors, Level Sensors, USB Sensors, Embedded Sensors, Distance Measurement with ultrasonic sensor Introduction to Actuators - Connecting LED, Buzzer, Controlling - AC Power devices, Servo motor, Speed DC Motor. Electronic Communication Protocols (Device Interfacing) Protocols : I2C, SPI, UART, USRT, CAN. (Chapter - 2) Unit III COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLS AND IOT CHALLENGES Introduction to Non-IP Based Protocol (IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.15.4), BlueTooth, ZigBee, IP Based Protocol (IPV4, IPV6, 6LoWPAN), Application Layer Protocols (MQTT, AMQP) Wireless medium access issues, MAC protocol, routing protocols, Sensor deployment & node discovery, Data aggregation & dissemination. (Chapter - 3) Unit IVIOT PLATFORMS AND ITS PROGRAMMING Introduction to Arduino and Raspberry Pi - Installation, Interfaces (Serial, SPI, I2C), Introduction to Python program with Raspberry Pi with focus on interfacing external gadgets (Bluetooth Speaker, CCTV Camera, Robotic Arm etc.), controlling output, and reading input from pins. Introduction to Arduino Programming, Integration of Sensors and Actuators with Arduino. (Chapter - 4) Unit VIOT PHYSICAL SERVERS AND CLOUD OFFERINGS Unit VIDOMAIN SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS OF IOT