Unit I Meteorological Aspects Zones of atmosphere, Scales of meteorology, Meteorological parameters, Temperature lapse rate, Plume behaviour. Gaussion diffusion model for finding ground level concentration, Plume rise, Types & quality of fuels, Formulae for effective stack height and determination of minimum stack height as per CPCB norms. (Chapter - 1) Unit II Ambient Air Sampling and Analysis Air pollution survey, basis and statistical considerations of sampling sites, devices and methods used for sampling of gases and particulates. Stack emission monitoring for particulate and gaseous matter, isokinetic sampling. Analysis of air samples chemical and instrumental methods. Emission inventory and source apportionment studies. Ambient air quality monitoring as per the procedure laid down by CPCB. National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) 2009. (Chapter - 2) Unit III Indoor Air Pollution Causes of air pollution, sources and effects of indoor air pollutants, factors affecting exposure to indoor air pollution, sick building syndrome. Investigation of indoor air quality problems, changes in indoor air quality, control of indoor air pollutants and air cleaning systems. Use of various plants to control indoor air pollution. Radon and its decay products in indoor air. Odour pollution : Theory, sources, measurement and methods of control of odour pollution. (Chapter - 3) Unit IV Control of Air Pollution By process modification, change of raw materials, fuels, process equipment and process operation. Control of particulate matters. Working principle and design of control equipment as Settling chamber, Cyclone, Fabric filter and Electro Static Precipitator. Control of gaseous pollutants. Combustion chemistry & control of air pollution from automobiles. (Chapter - 4) Unit V Land Use Planning As a method of control. Economics of air pollution control: Cost/benefit ratio and optimization. Legislation and regulation: Air (Prevention and Control) Pollution Act, 1981. The Environment (Protection) Act 1986. Emission standards for stationary and mobile sources. (Chapter - 5) Unit VI Environmental Impact Assessment and Management Methodology for preparing environmental impact assessment (Identifying the sources of air pollution, calculating the incremental values, prediction of impacts and mitigation measures). Role of regulatory agencies and control boards in obtaining environmental clearance for project. Public hearing. Environmental impacts of thermal power plants, sugar and cement industry. Environmental management plan. The environmental rules 1999 (sitting of industries). (Chapter - 6)