Unit I : Introduction and Approximate Estimates : a) Introduction to estimates and related terms : Definition of estimation and valuation. Significance (application) of the Course. Purpose of estimation. Type of estimates, data required for estimation as a pre requisite. Meaning of an item of work, and enlisting the items of work for different Civil Engineering projects. Units of measurement. Mode of measurement of building items/ works. Introduction to components of estimates: face sheet, abstract sheet (BOQ), measurement sheet, Rate Analysis, lead statement. Provisional sum& prime cost items, contingencies, work charge establishment, centage charges. Introduction to D. S. R. b) Approximate Estimates : Meaning, purpose, methods of approximate estimation of building & other civil engineering projects like roads, irrigation/ water supply, sanitary engineering, electrical works. (Theory & Numericals). (Chapter - 1) Unit II : Taking Out Quantities & Detailed Estimate : a) Detailed estimates : Factors to be considered while preparing detailed estimate, Detailed estimate of R.C.C framed structures using IS 1200, Concept of estimation of load bearing structure (PWD & Centre Line Method). b) Bar Bending Schedule : Preparing bar bending schedule for all RCC members of building. (Chapter - 2) Unit III : Specifications and Rate Analysis : a) Specifications : Meaning & purpose, types. Drafting detailed specifications for materials, quality, workmanship, method of execution, mode of measurement and payment for major items like, excavation, stone/ brick masonry, plastering, ceramic tile flooring, R.C.C. work. b) Rate Analysis : Meaning and factors affecting rate of an item of work, materials, sundries, labour, tools & plant, overheads & profit. Task work or out turn, factors effecting task work. Working out Rate Analysis for the items mentioned in specifications above. (Chapter - 3) Unit IV : Valuation : a) Valuation : Purpose of valuation. Meaning of price, cost and value. Factors affecting Value‘. Types of value: only Fair Market Value, Book Value, Salvage/ Scrap Value, Distressed Value and Sentimental Value. Concept of free hold and lease hold property. Estimation versus valuation. Methods of depreciation & obsolescence, Sinking Fund, Years Purchase. b) Methods of Valuation of Building : Rental Basis, Land & Building basis, Direct Comparison Method, Profit based method, Belting of Land, Development method. (Chapter - 4) Unit V : Tendering and Execution of Works : a) Tenders : Definition. Methods of inviting tenders, tender notice, tendering procedure, Pre and post qualification of contractors, tender documents. 3 bid/ 2 bid or single bid system. Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of tenders. Comparative statement, Pre-bid conference, acceptance/ rejection of tenders. Various forms of BOT &Global Tendering, E-tendering. b) Methods of Executing Works : PWD procedure of work execution, administrative approval, budget provision, technical sanction. Methods of execution of minor works in PWD: Piecework, Rate List, Daily Labour. Introduction to registration as a contractor in PWD. (Chapter - 5) Unit VI : Contracts and Arbitration : a) Contracts : Definition, objectives & essentials of a valid contract as per Indian Contract Act (1872), termination of contract. Types of contracts : only lump sum, item rate, cost plus. Conditions of contract : General and Specific conditions. Conditions regarding EM, SD and time as an essence of contract, conditions for addition, alteration, extra items, testing of materials, defective work, subletting, etc. Defect liability period, liquidated damages, retention money, interim payment or running account bills, advance payment, secured advance, final bill. b) Arbitration : Introduction to Arbitrations as per Indian Arbitration & Conciliation Act (1996) Meaning and need of arbitration, qualities and powers of an Arbitrator. (Chapter - 6)