Unit - I Introduction What is HCI?, Disciplines involved in HCI, Why HCI study is important? The psychology of everyday things, Principles of HCI, User-centred Design. (Chapter - 1) Unit - II Understanding the Human Input-output channels, Human memory, Thinking: Reasoning and Problem Solving, Human emotions, Individual differences, Psychology and Design. (Chapter - 2) Unit - III Understanding the Interaction Models of interaction, Ergonomics, Interaction styles, WIMP Interface, Interactivity, Context of interaction, User experience, Paradigms of Interactions. (Chapter - 3) Unit - IV HCI - Design Process What is interaction design?, The software design process, User focus, Scenarios, Navigation Design, Screen Design, Prototyping techniques, Wire-Framing, Understanding the UI Layer and Its Execution Framework, Model-View-Controller (MVC) Framework. (Chapter - 4) Unit - V HCI - Design Rules , Guidelines and Evaluation Techniques Principles that support usability, Design standards, Design Guidelines, Golden rules and heuristics, Using toolkits, User Interface Management System (UIMS), Goals of evaluation, Evaluation Criteria, Evaluation through expert analysis, Evaluation through user participation, Choosing an Evaluation Method. (Chapter - 5) Unit - VI HCI Models and Theories Goal and task hierarchy model, Linguistic model, Physical and device models, Cognitive architectures, Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA), Uses of task analysis, Diagrammatic dialog design notations, Computer mediated communication, Ubiquitous Computing, Finding things on web Future of HCI. (Chapter - 6)