UNIT I : Object Oriented Methodologies, UML Views of Software Developments : Traditional System Development Methodology and Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Importance Object - Orientation. Some of the object Oriented Methodology : Object Oriented Design - Booch, Object Modeling Techniques - Rambaugh, Object - Oriented Analysis - Cood Yourdon, Object - Oriented Software Engineering - Ivar Jacobson. Unified Approach : Object Oriented Analysis, Object Oriented Design, Iterative Development and Continuous Testing, Modeling based on UML, Layered Approach Unified Modeling Language : Introduction to Modeling and UML, MDA, UML Structure, UML Building Blocks, UML Common Mechanisms, Introduction to all UML Diagram Notational Techniques, 4 + 1 View. (Chapter - 1) UNIT II : Object Oriented Analysis Object Oriented Analysis Process, Use Case Modeling : Actor Identification, Actor Classification, Actor Generalization, Use Cases Identification, Communication, Uses/Include and Extend Associations, Writing a Formal Use Cases, Use Case realizations. Domain / Class Modeling : Approaches for Identifying Classes (Noun - Phase Approach, Common Class Pattern Approach, Class Responsibilities Collaboration Approach, Naming Classes, Class Associations and Identification of Associations, Generalization/Specialization Relationship, Aggregation and Composition Relationships, Attributes and Methods Identification (Chapter - 2) UNIT III : Interaction and Behavior Modeling Activity Diagram : Activity and Actions, Initial and Final Activity, Activity Edge, Decision and Merge Points, Fork and Join, Input and Output Pins, Activity Group, Activity Partitions, Constraints on Action, Swim Lanes. Sequence Diagram : Context, Objects and Roles, Links, Object Life Line, Message or stimulus, Activation/Focus of Control, Modeling Interactions. Collaboration Diagram : Objects and Links, Messages and stimuli, Active Objects, Communication Diagram, Iteration Expression, Parallel Execution, Guard Expression, Timing Diagram. State Diagram : State Machine, Triggers and Ports, Transitions, Initial and Final State, Composite States, Submachine States. (Chapter - 3) UNIT IV : Object Oriented Design Object Oriented Design Process Design Business Layer : Object Oriented Constraints Language (OCL), Designing Business Classes : The Process, Designing Well Defined Class Visibility, Attribute Refinement, Method Design Using UML Activity Diagram, Packaging and Managing Classes. Designing Access Layer : Object Relational Systems, Object Relation Mapping, Table Class Mapping, Table - Inherited Classes Mapping, Designing the Access Layer Classes : The Process, Design View Layer : View Layer Classes Design, Identifying View Classes by Analyzing Use Cases, Macro-Level Design Process, and Prototyping the User Interface. Component and Deployment Design using Component and Deployment Diagram. (Chapter - 4) UNIT V : Design Principles and Patterns Introduction to Patterns General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns (GRASP) : Introduction, Creator, Information Expert, Low coupling, Controller, High Cohesion, Polymorphism, Pure fabrication, Indirection, Protected Variations. Gang of Four (GoF) : Introduction, Categories of Patterns (Creational, Structural and Behavioral Patterns), Singleton, Adapter, State, and Strategy. (Chapter - 5) UNIT VI : Architectural Design Overview of software Architecture, Designing Client / Server Software Architectures, Designing Service Oriented Software Architectures, Designing Component Based Software Architectures, Designing Concurrent and Real - Time Software Architectures, Designing Product Line Architectures, Related Case Studies. (Chapter - 6)