Unit - ι : Digital Communication Techniques Definition of siqnal and classificatioπ. Functional Block diaqran1 of diqital comιηunication system. Comparison of analoq and diqital commιιnications. Base band and pass band transmission. Definition of inforιηatioπ capaciιy, eπtropy, ωι-raιe, baud rate and l)andwidth of diqital data and solve sirηρle problems. Shannon's theorem, Shannon-Hartley theorem. amount of information, samplinq process, and sarnple and tιolιl cirι:ι1it. Types of sarrιplin!J. Sarrιplirι!J tlιeorerns for Iow pass anιl bancl pass siqrιals. Nyquist criterion and slissinq effect. Analoq pulse ιηodulstioπ tecl111iques-PAM, ΡΡΜ, PWM. (Chapter ι) Unit - 2 : Digital Coding of Analog Signals Quantlzatlon. Definition, process and clsssification. Pulse-code modulation system snd DPCM Qus11tizat.ion 11oise s11d co111pandinq process. l)elιa rnodulation systen1 and adaptiΙΊe delta rnodulaιion. Applications, advantaqes and disadvantaqes ίη each case. Cornparison of different pulse rnodulation rηett10cls. l,ine coclinq ancl types υnipolar RZ aηcl NRZ. Polar RZ ancl NRZ. bipolar NRZ (ΑΜΙ), split pf1ase Manchester forrnat witl1 exarnples. (Chapter 2) Unit - 3 : Digital Modulation Techniques Base band transmission of binary data. Si!Jnifiι:anι:e of Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) ancl eye pattern. Diqital modulation tecl1niques-Binary and M-ary. Generation and detection(col1erent and non-col1erent) of Binary ΑSΚ. FSΚ, ΡSΚ. QPSK(Coherent only), DPSΚ. Merits/dernerits and applications. Concept of Μίηίτηυπ1 Shift Keyiπq (MSK) sπcl CiMSK. c:orηparisoπ of cliffereπι rηoclulstion teιhπiqυes. (Chapter - 3) Unit - 4 : Multiplexing Techniques and Multiple Access Concept of FDM and TDM. 4-channel PAM/TDM system, siqnalinq rate. transmission bandwidth, synι:hronization, aosstalk and qυard time. l)iφtal mυltiρlexers-ρrirκiρle. classilϊι:ation. Perforrnarκe factors- bit rate, transmission channel bandwidth. Solve simple problems. Advantaqes and disadvanta!Jes of TDM. Workinq principle of ΤΙ diqital carrier system. Mιιltiple aα:ess methods-TDMA, PDMA and CDMA and Cornpariso11. (Chapter 4) Unit -5 : Error Detection and Correction Definitίon of error. types of errors and redundancy, error control strateqίes, error control ι:odes. Parity check bit codinq, LRC, VRC, CRC, Checksum with examples. (Chapter - 5) Unit- 6 : Transmission Media Classίfication of transmission media: quided and unquided media. construction. merits. demerits and applications of twisted pair, co-axial and optical fibers. Block diaqram of basic fiber optic communication system. Optical fiber-principle of operation, numerical aperture, anqle of acceptance, confiqurations, losses, splices, connecters, couplers and switches. Optical emitters-LED and semiconductor LASERS, Optical detectors-APD and ΡΙΝ diode and concepts of WDM. (Chapter - 6)