lntroduction to Wireless Communication System : Evolution of mobile communications. Mobile Radio System around the world. Types of Wireless communication System, Comparison of common wireless system, Trend ίη Cellular radio and personal communication. Second qeneration Cellular Networks, Third Generation (3G) Wireless Networks . Wireless Local Loop (WLL). Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). Bluetooth and Personal Area Networks. 2. The Cellular Concept - System Design fundamentals : Cellular system, Hexaqonal qeometry cell and concept of frequency reuse, Channel Assiqnment Strateqies Distance to frequency reuse ratio, Channel & co-channel interference reduction factor, S/I ratio consideration and calculation for Minimum Co-channel and adjacent interference, Handoff Strateqies. Umbrella Cell Concept. Trunkinq and Grade of Service. Improvinq Coveraqe & Capacity ίη Cellular System-cell splittinq, Cell sectorization, Repeaters, Micro cell zone concept, Channel antenna system desiqn considerations. 3. Moblle Radlo Propagatlon Model, Small Scale fadlng and Dl•erslty : Larqe scale path loss : - Free Space Propaqation loss equation, Path-loss of NLOS and LOS systems, Reflection, Ray qround reflection model. Diffraction, Scatterinq, Link budqet desiqn, Max. Distance Coveraqe formula, Empirical formula for path loss. Indoor and outdoor propaqation models, Small scale multipath propaqation. Impulse model for multipath channel. Delay spread. Feher's delay spread. upper bound small scale, Multipath measurement parameters of multipath channels, Types of small scale Fadinq, Rayleiqh and Rician distribution, Statistical models for multipath fadinq channels and diversity techniques ίη brief. 4. Multiple Access Techniques : Introduction, Comparisons of multiple access strateqies - TDMA, CDMA, FDMA, OFDM, CSMA Protocols, ΝΟΜΑ 5. Wireless Systems : GSM system architecture, Radio interface, Protocols, Localization and callinq, Handover, Authentication and security ίη GSM. GSM speech codinq. Concept of spread spectrum. Architecture of IS-95 CDMA system. Air interface, CDMA forward channels, CDMA reverse channels, Soft handoff. CDMA features, Power control ίη CDMA, Performance of CDMA System, RAKE Receiver, CDMA2000 cellular technoloqy, GPRS system architecture. 6. Recent Trends : Introduction to Wi-Fi, WiMAX, ZiqBee Networks, ΝΙΜΟ. Software Defined Radio, UWB Radio, Wireless Adhoc Network and Mobile Portability. Security issues and challenqes ίη 5G and above Wireless networks.