UNIT I Analytics in Social Media and Types of Analytics Tools The foundation for analytics, Social media data sources, Defining social media data, data sources in social media channels, Estimated Data sources and Factual Data Sources, Public and Private data, data gathering in social media analytics. (Chapter-1) UNIT II Visualizing Social Networks Introduction, A Taxonomy of Visualization, The convergence of Visualization, Interaction and Analytics. Data mining in Social Media : Introduction, Motivations for Data mining in Social Media, Data mining methods for Social Media, Related Efforts. (Chapter-2) UNIT III Text Mining in Social Networks Introduction, Keyword search, Classification Algorithms, Clustering Algorithms-Greedy Clustering, Hierarchical clustering, k-means clustering, Transfer Learning in heterogeneous Networks, Sampling of online social networks, Comparison of different algorithms used for mining, tools for text mining. (Chapter-3) UNIT IV Network Measures Centrality : Degree Centrality, Eigenvector Centrality, Katz Centrality, PageRank, Betweenness Centrality, Closeness Centrality, Group Centrality, Transitivity and Reciprocity, Balance and Status, Similarity : Structural Equivalence, Regular Equivalence (Chapter-4) UNIT V Behavior Analytics Individual Behavior : Individual Behavior Analysis, Individual Behavior Modeling, Individual Behavior Prediction Collective Behavior : Collective Behavior Analysis, Collective Behavior Modeling, Collective Behavior Prediction (Chapter-5) UNIT VI Case Study Mining Twitter : Overview, Exploring Twitter’s API, Analyzing 140 Characters. Mining Facebook : Overview, Exploring Facebook Social Graph API’s, Analyzing Social Graph Connections. (Chapter-6)