UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO INTERNET OF THINGS What is the Internet of Things ? Internet of Things Definitions and Frameworks : IoT Definitions, IoT Architecture, General Observations, ITU-T Views, Working Definition, IoT Frameworks, Basic Nodal Capabilities, Physical Design of IoT: IoT Protocols, Logical Design of IoT : Functional block, communication Model, Communication API’s, IoT Enabling Technologies : WSN, cloud computing, Big data Analytics, communication Protocols, Embedded systems, IoT levels and Deployment templates : Level 1 to Level 5. (Chapter - 1) UNIT II IoT NETWORK ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN The one M2M IoT Standardized Architecture, The IoT World Forum (IoTWF) Standardized Architecture, A Simplified IoT Architecture, IoT protocol stack, The Core IoT Functional Stack, IoT Data Management and Compute Stack : Fog Computing, Edge Computing, The Hierarchy of Edge, Fog, and Cloud IoT and M2M : Introduction to M2M, Difference between IoT and M2M, SDN and NFV for IoT. (Chapter - 2) UNIT III SMART OBJECTS : THE “THINGS” IN IoT Sensors, Actuators, and Smart Objects, Sensor Networks, Connecting Smart Objects : Communications Criteria, IoT Access Technologies : IEEE 802.15.4, IEEE 802.15.4g and 802.15.4e, IEEE 1901.2a, LoRaWAN. (Chapter - 3) UNIT IV ADDRESSING TECHNIQUES FOR THE IoT Address Capabilities, IPv6 Protocol Overview, IPv6 Tunneling, IPsec in IPv6, Header Compression Schemes, Quality of Service in IPv6, Migration Strategies to IPv6, Mobile IPv6 technologies for the IoT : Protocol Details, IPv6 over low-power WPAN (6LoWPAN). (Chapter - 4) UNIT V IoT PLATFORMS What is an IoT Device, Exemplary Devices : Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi Interfaces, Other IoT Devices : pcDuino, Beagle Bone Black, CubieBoard, ARDUINO. (Chapter - 5) UNIT VI IoT PHYSICAL SERVERS AND CLOUD OFFEREINGS Introduction to cloud storage models and communication API’s, WAMP-AutoBahn for IoT, Python web application framework, Designing a RESTful web API, AMAZON web services for IoT, SkyNet IoT messaging platform, IoT case studies : Home Automation, Cities, Environment. (Chapter - 6)