Unit - I Basics of Railway Engineering 1a. Describe with sketches the given components of railway track in the diagram.1b. Suggest the remedy for the specified fault railway track with justification.1c. Suggest the type of rail track joint for the given situation with justification.1d. Suggest the type of fixtures and fastening for the given rail section with justification. 1.1 Role of transportation in the development of nation ; Modes of transportation system - land way, waterway, airway. Merits and demerits of roadway and railway ; Classification of Indian railways, zones of Indian railway.l.2 Permanent way : Ideal requirement, Components; Rail Gauge, types, factors affecting selection of a gauge.1.3 Rail material, Rail Joints - requirements, types.1.4 Creep of rail : Causes and prevention of creep.1.5 Sleepers - Functions and Requirement, types - concrete sleepers and their density.1.6 Ballast - function and types, suitability.1.7 Rail fixtures and fastenings - fish plate, spikes, bolts, keys, bearing plates, chairs - types of anchors and anti creepers. Unit - II Track geometrics, Construction and Maintenance Unit - III Overview of Bridge Engineering Unit - IV Construction and Maintenance of bridge Unit - V Construction and Maintenance of tunnels