Syllabus Control Engineering - (18ME71) Credits : 03CIE Marks : 40SEE Marks : 60 Module - 1 Introduction : Components of a control system, Open loop and closed loop systems. Types of controllers : Proportional, Integral, Differential, Proportional-Integral, and Proportional- Integral- Differential controllers. Modelling of Physical Systems : Mathematical Models of Mechanical, Electrical, Thermal, Hydraulic Systems. (Chapters - 1, 3, 4) Module - 2 Time domain performance of control systems : Typical test signal, Unit step response and time domain specifications of first order, second order system. Steady state error, error constants. (Chapter - 5) Module - 3 Block diagram algebra, Reduction of block diagram, Signal flow graphs, Gain formula for signal flow graphs, State diagram from differential equations. (Chapters - 6, 7, 8) Module - 4 Stability of linear control systems : Routh’s criterion, Root locus, Determination of phase margin and gain margin using root locus. (Chapters - 9, 10) Module - 5 Stability analysis using Polar plot, Nyquist plot, Bode plot, Determination of phase margin and gain margin using Bode plot. (Chapters - 11, 12, 13)