Module - 1 Management: Introduction – Meaning – nature and characteristics of Management, Scope and Functional areas of management – Management as a science, art of profession – Management & Administration – Roles of Management, Levels of Management, Development of Management Thought- early management approaches -Modern management approaches. Planning: Nature, importance and purpose of planning process Objectives -Types of plans (Meaning Only) – Decision making Importance of planning – steps in planning & planning premises – Hierarchy of plans. (Chapter - 1) Module - 2 Organizing and Staffing: Nature and purpose of organization Principles of organization – Types of organization -Departmentation Committees Centralization Vs Decentralization of authority and responsibility – Span of control – MBO and MBE (Meaning Only) Nature and importance of staffing–Process of Selection & Recruitment (in brief). Directing & Controlling: Meaning and nature of directing Leadership styles, Motivation Theories, Communication – Meaning and importance – coordination, meaning and importance and Techniques of Co Ordination. Meaning and steps in controlling – Essentials of a sound control system – Methods of establishing control (in brief). (Chapter - 2) Module - 3 Introduction: Engineering and economics, Problem solving and decision making, Laws of demand and supply, Difference between Microeconomics & Macroeconomics, equilibrium between demand & supply, elasticity of demand, price elasticity, income elasticity. Law of Returns, Interest and interest factors, simple and compound interest, Cash flow diagrams, personal loans and EMI payment calculation with flexible interest rates, Discussion and problems. (Chapter - 3) Module - 4 Present, future and annual worth and rate of returns Module - 5 Costing and depreciation