MODULE - 1 Introduction to Computer Aided Slletching Introduction, Drawinq Instruments and their uses, releνant BIS conνentions and standards. Letterinq, Ιίηe conνentions, clirnensioninq, material con17entions and free !1and practicinq. Computer screen, Iayout of the software, standard tool bar / menu and description of most commonly used tool bars and naνiqational tools. Co-ordinate system and reference planes ΗΡ, VP, RPP & LPP of 2D/3D environment. Selection ot drawinq sheet size and scale. Commands and creation of Lines. coordinate points, axes, poly-lines, square, rectanqle, polyqons, splines, circles, ellipse, text, move, copy, off-set, mίrror, rotate, trim, extend. breai2, chamfer, fillet, curves. constraints viz., tarιιJency, parallelisrn, irιclίnation and perpendicularity. (Chapter • 1) MODULE - 11 Orthographic Projections of Points, Straight Lines and Planes Introduction, Definitions- Planes of projection, reference Ιίηe and conventions employed. First anqle and T11ird anqle projection. Projections of points in all the four quadrants. Projections of straiq!1t lines (Iocated in first quadrant/first anqle only), true and apparent Ienqths, true and apparent ίnclinations to reference planes (Νο application problems and midpoint problems). Orthoqrapf1ic projections of plane surfaces (First anqle projection only), Projections of reqular plane surfaces-trianqle, square, rectanqle, pentaqon, hexaqon and circle-in simple positions incfinecf to both the planes; planes in ciifferent positions by cf1anqe of position 111ethocf onfy. (Νο problems οη puncfιed plates and cornposite plates). (Chapter • 2) MODULE - 111 Projections of Solids Introduction, definitions projections of riqht reqular tetrahedron, hexahedron (cube), prisms, pyramids, and cones with axis inclined to both the planes. (Solids restinq οη ΗΡ only and ηο problems οη octal1edrons, and freely suspended solίds.) (Chapter 3) MODULE - IV Development of Lateral Surfaces of Solids Introduction to section planes and sectional 17iews. De17eloρment of Iateral surfaces of riql1t reqular prisιηs, cylinders, pyramids and cones restinq with base οη ΗΡ only. Development of their frustums and truncations. (Νο problems οη Iateral surfaces of trays, tetrahedrons, spheres and transition pieces). (Chapter • 4) MODULE - V lsometric Projection (using isometric scale only) Introduction, Isometric scale, Isometric projection of simple plane figures, Isometric projection of hexahedron (cube), ri!Jht re!Jular prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones and spheres. Isometric projection of combination of two simple solids. Conνersion of !Jίνeη isometric/ pictorial νiews to orthographic νiews of simple objects. (Chapter • 5)